We provide disability products and services that enable active participation of
people with disabilities in academic, economic, social and other desired activities.
Disability products and services
To empower people with visual impairments and other disabilities by making assistive products and services easily available at affordable prices on the local and regional markets. Disability products and services
To establish a one stop center for acquisition of specialized equipment and materials
that enable people and other disabilities to participate in desired activities. Disability products and services
To become the one-stop center for acquisition of specialized equipment, services,
materials, skills and relevant information for people with disabilities. Disability products and services
Disability products and services. We empower people with visual impairments and other disabilities by making assistive products and services easily available at affordable prices.
Company overview and target
IncPart Services Ltd (IPSL) is a private business enterprise that is registered in Uganda. IPSL was established in May 2019 and aspires to be the leading supplier of assistive products and provider of services for people with visual impairments and other special needs in East Africa. Disability products and services
Some products

Braille Embosser

Perkins brailler

White canes